Progress indicators


<CircularProgress value={0.75} />
<CircularProgress indeterminate />
<LinearProgress value={0.75} />
<LinearProgress indeterminate />

Four colors

<CircularProgress fourColor indeterminate />
<LinearProgress fourColor indeterminate />

Circular progress

<CircularProgress indeterminate />
<CircularProgress value={0.4} />

Linear progress

<LinearProgress indeterminate />
<LinearProgress value={0.4} />


<LinearProgress value={0.5} buffer={0.8} />


Circular progress tokens

TokenDefault value

Circular progress example


Linear progress tokens

TokenDefault value

Linear progress example



Circular progress attributes

valuenumber0Progress to display, a fraction between 0 and max
maxnumber1Maximum progress to display, defaults to 1.
indeterminatebooleanfalseWhether or not to display indeterminate progress, which gives no indication to how long an activity will take.
fourColorbooleanfalseWhether or not to render indeterminate mode using 4 colors instead of one.

Circular progress bindables

elementHTMLElementA reference to the root DOM element of the component. This variable is bound using bind:this, allowing direct access to the underlying HTML element for manipulation or querying within the component's logic.

Linear progress attributes

valuenumber0Progress to display, a fraction between 0 and max
maxnumber1Maximum progress to display, defaults to 1.
indeterminatebooleanfalseWhether or not to display indeterminate progress, which gives no indication to how long an activity will take.
fourColorbooleanfalseWhether or not to render indeterminate mode using 4 colors instead of one.
buffernumber0Buffer amount to display, a fraction between 0 and max. If the value is 0 or negative, the buffer is not displayed.

Linear progress bindables

elementHTMLElementA reference to the root DOM element of the component. This variable is bound using bind:this, allowing direct access to the underlying HTML element for manipulation or querying within the component's logic.